Thursday, June 3, 2010

My body aches, and filled with bruises.

yes, bruises. I am not abused, but it is just normal. Its the nature of my sport.

Good day, Earthlings.
Tomo's the day, the FRYYYDAAAAYYYY. Going to have dinner with DanYew and KakMoon (Y) But meeting love first. (Y)

But first of all,
Morning, training. And then swimmingminggg. And then meet love. And then meet DanYew&KakMoon. And then back home. Thank god tomo's friday. Been really tired with trainings everyday, and I still havent touched my homework yet. FML.

Alright, next post is going to be about my darling - Nurul Suhaila. Its for you okay, read it, munchkinnnnnn.

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